Plug In And Recharge Your Health Through the Power of PEMF Technology!

Prevention & Anti-Aging
We can’t stop the clock, but we can slow it down. As you get older, your body loses some of its cellular power as well as control over its clearing and recycling abilities. This results in an accumulation of old, dysfunctional cells and poorly functioning mitochondria. PEMF can and should be used as part of an on-going wellness plan. When you are proactive and take control of your health, you can eliminate pain, reduce inflammation, and increase mobility – helping you live better. It can also decrease your risk of developing diseases and make it easier to maintain the lifestyle you desire. The number of cells in the testes, ovaries, liver, and kidneys decreases significantly as the body ages. When the number of cells become too low, an organ can not function properly. Your symptoms are not “just part of aging’, they are from damaged cells that need to be recharged.

Increased Circulation

Blood Oxygenation

Bone Healing & Mineralization


- PEMF Therapy Increases the Number of Mitochondria in the Cells
- PEMF Therapy Stimulates ATP synthesis
- PEMF Therapy Lengthens Telomeres
- DNA Synthesis and Repair
- Detoxification/Antioxidants PEMF Increases Glutathione and Endogenous Antioxidants which helps with protection and detox
- PEMF lowers sugar in the blood and reduces insulin resistance
- PEMF increases immunity
- PEMF Increases stem cell production and differentiation